Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Keep Your Mouth Closed When Traveling 120 MPH

In the end, when I jumped, I just did it.  You can't really prepare for it, it's almost like you are standing at the door and have an impulsive moment and then you're free falling. 

The jump master who I was supposed to jump with was sick that day, so they assigned a photographer to jump with me. What? Is that even legal? You mean to tell me that you've jumped plenty of times, just never with someone else's life in your hands? OK, that's cool I guess, let's go!

The plane ride to 14,000 feet was the fastest flight I ever took, I mean we were at altitude way before I was ready to be there.  Was I scared? I don't know.  Like I said, when you are at the door and the light turns from red to green, and you hear someone yell "GO", that's when you start figuring it all out.  I probably hesitated for a couple long milliseconds, weighing my options and knowing that if I didn't jump at that instant, I probably wouldn't jump at all .... ever.

You know how you feel when you lean back in your chair and it is just about to tip over, then you suddenly catch yourself at the last second?  I guess that is probably how it felt, but without catching myself for several minutes.

I always wonder if I would do it again.  I have already done it once.  I'll tell you what - I'll do it if you'll do it.  We can go together and you can jump first. Let me know.


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